Lucas Luna

Lucas Luna

Lucas Luna

Printmaker, Painter

What made you want to join Art Gym? I initially approached Art Gym because I had gotten a contract position to make and print maps in the intaglio method.

How has Art Gym helped with your art practice? When I first approached Art Gym I was only a novice in the intaglio print world. But I quite literally learned everything I know about printing from Art Gym. Greg was a great mentor, while also giving me the space to figure things out on my own.

What are you hoping to communicate through your work?  At the moment I am still just trying to figure out my style in printing. The tarot cards are a way to challenge my compositional skills, while providing me a framework to better learn the medium. So, what i am trying to communicate is up to the viewer. That tarot cards have a built in meaning that can be different for everybody.

Who and/or what are some of your biggest artistic influences? I was always inspired by my dad. He is a professional artist, and he raised me to be an artist as well.

What does your artwork mean to you? My artwork has a similar meaning to me as eating. I have to do it or I’ll die. And a lot of the time I really enjoy it.

corper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.