Teach Here

Teach Here

Share, Guide, Impact

Whether you are an Art Gym member or an artist needing a space to teach out of, Art Gym is interested in hearing from you. Art Gym also partners with like-minded organizations to offer continuing education opportunities to our members and outside artists. If you are interested in proposing to teach a workshop, fill out our proposal form.

Workshop Proposal Form

Do you have an idea for a workshop you would like to teach at Art Gym? We are currently accepting proposals for upcoming workshops. Please fill out the form to be considered.

**Please note, we plan our workshops at least 2-months out. Keep this in mind for your proposed dates.

    * Required Field

    General Info

    Workshop Details

    Have You Taught at Art Gym Before?*

    Have You Taught at any other locations before?*

    Have you Toured Art Gym?*

    Your Experience in the Medium

    What Level of experience is this workshop for?*
    BeginnerIntermediateAdvancedAll Levels



    What should participants expect to walk away with?*

    Please upload images of your work* (3 images - zip file):

    Max file size: 1mb

    Please attach a .zip file